8 Effective Email Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business
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Mike Miller
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8 Effective Email Marketing Techniques to Grow Your Business

Published : July 9, 2019

Email subscribers are 3X more likely to share content compared to the leads coming from other channels, a report by QuickSprout revealed. Email marketing is an effective marketing technique that lets brands stay connected with their consumers and engage with those who are interested leads.

Emails are still the most dependable way to inform customers about the latest product launch and online/in-store sales. But, the single biggest reason the email promotion is still encouraged by small-to-big-brands worldwide is that it is inexpensive to draft & send emails to your targeted customers.

But, before you jump the gun, email marketing is never a walk in the park. With tech-savvy people receiving hundreds of promotional emails in their Inbox daily, you need to leverage them open your mail and not toss it into the trash bin. So, the finest of the line between acceptance and rejection is what we term an email marketing strategy.

As the competition among companies in just about every industry is scaling new high with each passing hour, the recipe of success is thoroughly illustrated below-

Personalized Email

While this is not something out-of-the-ordinary when it comes to email marketing, it is often the most overlooked strategy when compiling your promotional email action plan. Formulate a relevant message for your customers. If you are on a quest to drive leads & sales, targeted emails are hush-hush to email marketing success. Small retail businesses can enforce the strategy of sending a unique email to each of their clients, but for a big brand like Amazon, this is next to impossible. So, what they do is the segregation of the mailing list based on individualized interest.

Interactive Emails

In today’s online battle arena, the Da Vinci Code to be a cut above your market rivals is via the interactive emails. The promotional emails require a pinch of a surprise element, and that comes from interactivity such as including gif to better connect with the customer. Not only, but the interactivity makes your emails appeal cooler also contribute higher ROI.

Humanization of Your Brand

With the global digitalization of business, the old-school connection between the customers and the businesses has somewhat been lost. So, this is an opportunity for you to grab with both hands. Consumer loyalty is an integral aspect of any Internet marketing plan, and business emails can further strengthen that. How? Establish an emotional attachment of your brand with your prospective consumer.

Avoid The Spam Filter

If you want your promotional email to reach the inbox, read, and acted upon, then staying clear of the spam filter becomes obligatory. Emails in the spam folder also have a negative impact on the customer. To deter your emails to land into the spam box, never use the spam words and phrases, for instance, “This Isn’t Spam” line in the email’s subject is a blunder committed by even the marketing experts.

To ensure that your readers don’t flag your emails you need to establish that the emails are well-curated text & images are formulated perfectly.

Your emails may land in spam if your IP or domain is blacklisted. Want to quickly check your domain or IP blacklist status with 100+ databases? Our email blacklist checker will help.


Inject value in your business emails and then see how many leads you get. Don’t go with the template design; include elements that make the email valuable. The content of the email must resonate with the primary idea of your business/brand.


What do you want to achieve from email marketing? Whether it is to increase your blog subscribers or take people to check your recently launched product, Call-To-Action is a must-have in your business emails. Never focus on image-heavy templates acting as the CTA, as many of the people hate waiting for the images to load. The business email needs to clear & crisp, in simple words, give a valid reason to read and take any further action, but not send the mail in the trash box.

It is a good practice to add the social media profile links in the promotional emails. This helps the customer to know more about your business, further, it is an act of establishing your brand credibility. Also, your emails will reach a broader audience.

Mobile Optimization

Nowadays, more &  more people are keeping track of their mail via cell phones. This is why the mobile optimization of the emails is a must. The responsive design of the email has to be done so that they are easy-to-browse. The design structure of the email has to be easy and at the same time engaging too, also the CTA has to get into the minds of the readers.

Final Words of Advice

While the above-explained tips look pretty easy, they can easily give you a run for your money, if you don’t have much expertise in email marketing. In that case, you can always seek the professional help of Imark Infotech, a name echoed with high admiration & great trust in the realm of Email marketing.


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