Netcore enables Nalli to achieve 7X return on investment, a 40% lift in revenue, and a 399% increase in email engagement

Netcore enables Nalli to achieve 7X return on investment, a 40% lift in revenue, and a 399% increase in email engagement

Key Results
Increase in ROI
Uplift in revenue
Surge in engagement
Boost in click rate

Company: Established in 1928, Nalli is a leader in the heritage textile business and a household name for exquisite silks. They have 40+ stores across India, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, and Australia and an equally impressive online presence. The Nalli brand is an icon for sarees (an Indian traditional attire for women) and attracts an ever-growing number of loyal customers with the core values of trust and quality.


Industry: textile and retail

Location: India

Solution used: AI-powered email engine, Journey automation, Segmentation


Nalli Silks wanted to leverage the insights derived from its vast user database to enrich their customer experience and enhance interaction.


Primary Challenges

  • Minimize manual intervention in online engagement
  • Improve click rates through a data-driven approach
  • Optimize and refine the communication practices



Nalli partnered with Netcore to eliminate online drop-offs, strategize and execute targeted campaigns, and adopt industry best practices to increase customer engagement and ROI.

  • Journey automation
  • Netcore Cloud analyzed user lifecycles and designed automation journeys to arrest drop-offs at critical junctures (Journeys live: Welcome Series, Abandoned Cart, and NPS Survey).

  • Redefined target strategy
  • Netcore guided Nalli to veer away from a ‘batch and blast’ approach and adopt user segmentation by analyzing behavioral patterns, recency of engagement, and monetary parameters.

  • Creative analysis
  • Nalli implemented industry best practices in email marketing campaigns based on an in-depth study of past and existing creatives by Netcore.

  • Raman, the AI engine
  • Netcore leveraged its in-house Raman AI engine and enabled Nalli to deploy Send Time Optimization (STO) strategies and deliver emails at the time preferred by customers to engage.

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