What is AMP for email?
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Puneet Mahajan
Puneet Mahajan

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What is AMP for email?

Published : July 20, 2022

What is AMP for email?

AMP for email is a framework through which you can embed interactive features within the email like forms, carousels, accordions, real-time data, quizzes, etc. 

Let’s understand more about this topic, including the full form of AMP, the components of an AMP email, and how to send them.


What does AMP stand for?
How are AMP emails different from regular emails?
How to improve engagement with AMP emails?
What are the features and components of an AMP email?
Why should you send AMP emails?
How to send AMP emails with Netcore Cloud?

Power your email with AMP

AMP for email allows you to embed features like forms, ratings, carousels, accordions, dynamic data, calendar bookings, and games. Here is what AMP for email looks like:

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What is AMP?

Have you ever searched on Google and noticed a little blue lightning bolt symbol next to the page name? Then you have experienced AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages. 

For years, Google has worked on improving the search experience for its users. One of the biggest challenges was the long load time on mobile browsers. In the digital world, even a second can be quite a long time. As a result, Google developed an open-sourced framework called ‘Accelerated Mobile Pages,’ which is the full form of AMP.

Today, the AMP framework is also available for the email platform—with just a few changes.


AMP for email, the new frontier

Components of a typical email include text, visuals, GIFs, and links. These links act as the bread and butter for email marketing campaigns. After all, a customer can engage and interact with brands only by clicking these buttons. 

This is also precisely the problem. It increases the number of steps for users, thereby leading to drop-offs and lower conversions.

How are AMP emails different from regular emails?

Just like a website, the AMP email’s interactivity lies in the JS codes. AMP emails, as a result, are a mix of regular HTML and JavaScript codes. 

This is why AMP emails are only supported by four clients–Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Mail.ru, and FairEmail. These email clients can process JavaScript codes while loading an email. However, remember that email clients support only a handful of JS scripts.

Improve engagement with AMP for email

With AMP for email, your users need not click on a CTA button and exit to a website page anymore. They can engage with you right within the email!

This can help reduce the number of clicks for a user and reduce friction. Such a seamless experience, in turn, can improve engagement rates.


Is there a case for NOT using AMP for email?

Emails designed with the AMP framework are currently supported only by the below email clients:


The interactive features and components of such emails will not work on other email clients like MS Outlook or Apple’s Mail app. However, there is a fail-safe for this. 

Every AMP email is created with a fallback version. These are plain HTML versions of the same email; these will be served automatically if the email client does not support AMP. 

If you are interested, we can help you create the AMP email and the fallback versions.

Features of AMP for email

1. Forms: Embed forms that users can fill and submit within the email..

2. Ratings: Users can give ratings and feedback within the email.

3. Carousels: Showcase products in the form of interactive cards and carousels.

4. Accordions: Give more information in a single email with accordions and         dropdowns.

5. Dynamic data: Make emails interesting with data points that change in real time.

6. Calendar bookings: Users can book appointments within the AMP email.

7. Games: Infuse elements of fun in emails with quizzes and gamified offers.

Why send AMP emails?

Get answers within the email

Embed lead forms and survey questions and get results right in the email!

More information in a better way

Deliver a better visual experience with features like product cards, carousels, accordions, and dropdowns.

Deliver dynamic, real-time data

Embed ever-changing data points in your email like offers, scores, investment values, discounts, prices, and countdowns.

Acquire, nurture, and onboard seamlessly

Customers can search, identify, make a purchase, and even get onboarded within the email using AMP emails.

Allow calendar bookings

Get your customers to schedule meetings or book appointments with your team on-the-fly. The details will get stored in their device’s calendar immediately.

Embed quizzes and games

Use AMP’s power of interactivity to make your email campaigns fun with quizzes, games, and gamified personal offers.

How can Netcore Cloud help you with AMP emails?

1) Get started with AMP for email

Register and whitelist your domain for AMP with the email clients using Netcore Cloud.

2) Create AMP email in minutes

Netcore Cloud can create custom templates and use-cases tailor-made for your business.

3) Select the right audience

Use the predictive segments feature to target those who are likely to respond the most.

4) Deliver across the right channels

With channel optimization, build smart journeys that automatically choose the right delivery platform.

5) Send emails at the right time

Send to individual users when they’re most likely active; no manual intervention is required!

6) Take advantage of inbox intelligence

On average, 93-96% of emails sent through Netcore Cloud land in the inbox.

So, are you looking to implement interactive emails?Netcore Cloud’s AMP-powered email campaign can uplift your email program and boost your ROI. Our email wizards can help you assess, analyze, strategize, and achieve email marketing goals. Connect with us to understand how you can benefit from our expertise and experience – we send over 17 billion emails a month for businesses across 18 countries.

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