How does amp-accordion make the best use of space in emails?
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Kanika Sreen
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> Blog > How Does Amp Accordion Make The Best Use Of Space In Emails

How does amp-accordion make the best use of space in emails?

Published : July 27, 2022 | Updated : May 20, 2024

In marketing emails, too much information can be overkill, and too less can completely miss the mark. Add the limited space in emails and the short attention span of recipients, and you have a real challenge. The objective of an email becomes “show maximum information in minimum space, and make sure it is quick to engage.” It might have been an impossible ask if it weren’t for the amp accordion component in AMP for email. 

The amp-accordion lets you build multiple sections of content that can expand and contract as per the recipient’s choice. You can convey much information in a small space while sustaining user interest.

1. What are the benefits of the amp-accordion component?

The amp accordion component allows you to organize content uniquely. You can showcase bulk information in many creative ways without cluttering the email body.

1.1. Add sizeable information

The amp-accordion component allows you to fit large chunks of information such as FAQs, catalogs, service lists, product categories, etc., without overwhelming the recipients. It is the most effective in presenting a list of items that require further description.

1.2. Reduce scrolling needs

Expandable/collapsible sections in email significantly reduce scrolling needs on smaller screens like mobile devices. With only one content section open at a time, you can eliminate user distraction and content confusion.

1.3. Minimize user drop-offs

Long and cluttered emails lead to boredom and exits. Short emails with redirection links are one way to capture attention but often result in user drop-offs. The amp-accordion component solves the problem by creating content sections that users can choose and interact with per their interests. It uplifts engagement and reduces drop-offs.

1.4. Boost engagement metrics

Building content sections makes it quick and easy for the email recipients to choose what they wish to see more. A brief skimming through content headings lets users select sections useful to them. Such emails encourage user interaction and lead conversions.

2. How to use the amp-accordion component?

amp accordion displays a stacked list of headers that expand or collapse content sections with user interaction.

Required Scripts: <script async custom-element=”amp-accordion” src=””></script>

The amp-accordion component allows viewers to glance at the content outline and jump to any section. Here is how you can make effective use of amp-accordion. 

  • The component accepts one or more <section> elements as its direct children
  • Each <section> must contain precisely two direct children
  • The first child in a <section> is the heading for that section of the amp-accordion. It must be a heading element such as <h1>-<h6> or <header>
  • The second child in a <section> is the expandable/collapsible content. It can be any tag allowed in AMP for email
  • A click or tap on a <section> heading expands or collapses the section

The amp-accordion element selector styles an amp-accordion according to your specifications. Keep the following points in mind when you style an amp-accordion:

  • amp-accordion elements are always display: block
  • Float cannot style a <section>, heading, nor content elements
  • An expanded section applies the expanded attribute to the <section> element
  • The content element is clear-fixed with overflow: hidden and therefore cannot have scrollbars
  • Margins of the <amp-accordion>, <section>, heading, and content elements are set to 0, but can be overridden in custom styles
  • Both the header and content elements are position: relative

amp-accordion automatically adds the following ARIA attributes:

  • aria-controls: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section
  • aria-expanded (state): Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section
  • aria-labelledby: Applied to the content element of each amp-accordion section

amp-accordion also automatically adds the following accessibility attributes:

  • tabindex: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section
  • role=button: Applied to the header element of each amp-accordion section
  • role=region: Applied to the content element of each amp-accordion section

If you wish to learn more about the amp-accordion component for email, visit

3. Variations of the amp-accordion component

The amp-accordion component allows you to fit more content in lesser space. You can create specific results per your preferences using the component’s attributes.

3.1. Animate your content

You can include the animate attribute in to add a “roll down” animation for expansion and a “roll up” animation for collapse. The animation creates a smooth and visually appealing transition.

3.2. Automate section expansion

You can apply the ‘expanded’ attribute to a nested <section> to expand that section when the page loads. It ensures that a particular content section is always visible when users open the email. You can add the most significant bits of information in such sections.

3.3. Expand single section

You can apply the expand-single-section attribute to specify that only one <section> can expand at a time. If the user clicks or taps on a collapsed <section>, any currently expanded <section> collapses.

amp accordion is frequently combined with the amp-img and amp-list components to make the emails even more effective.

4. How can Netcore Cloud help you?

Netcore Cloud empowers you to create AMP interactive emails coupled with the world’s most advanced AI-powered email delivery. It sends 18 billion emails/month on behalf of businesses across 12 countries. 

Netcore Cloud offers an enterprise-ready AMP editor that makes AMP email creation quick and easy. You can use the no-code drag-and-drop editor to build engaging AMP emails quickly. To customize further, you can connect with the in-house team of AMP experts to design AMP emails for specific use cases.

At Netcore Cloud, we help you set up and integrate AMP for email with the shortest TAT. You will find instant support for domain whitelisting, custom AMP design creation, and email delivery optimization that maximize the ROI of your email marketing campaigns. 

Netcore Cloud works as an extension of your team to provide result-oriented solutions. With Netcore Cloud’s help, 50+ global brands have rolled out interactive emails powered by AMP and achieved their goals. 

Netcore Cloud’s team partners with your marketing team to help you leverage the power of AMP emails and drive business revenues.

Connect with us to understand how you can benefit from our expertise and experience.

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Kanika Sreen, Assistant manager at Netcore Cloud
Written By: Kanika Sreen