Thomas Cook

Raman’s AI engine, helps uplift Thomas Cook's email open rates by 4.35X

Key results
4.35x Increase
Increase in email open rate with the
help fo Raman's predictive segments
2.7x Increase
Increase in email click rate
with the help of Raman's predictive segments
Company: Thomas Cook Ltd. is an Indian travel agency, headquartered in Mumbai, India. It offers a range of travel services including Foreign Exchange, International and Domestic Holidays, Visa, Passport, Travel Insurance and MICE.
Industry: Travel
Location: India
Category: Redundancy, Opt-in, Real-Time Data
Solution Used: Customer Engagement, Personalization


  • Low efficiency and engagement on their primary revenue-generating channel: Email

Netcore’s Strategy

  • Raman optimized Thomas Cook India’s regular campaign segments via his predictive segments feature
  • He used cutting edge technologies like automated pattern learning, propensity scoring models, historical churn behavior and analyzed business, campaign, engagement data to predict future customer behavior
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