StarQuik achieves 61% user conversion with Netcore’s no-code Product Experience platform

StarQuik achieves 61% user conversion with Netcore’s no-code Product Experience platform

Key Results
Uplift in conversion rate with successful orders
Uplift in coupon redemption rate

About Company:

StarQuik – A TATA Enterprise, is a one-stop destination for all grocery needs for customers across India. At StarQuik, customers buy from thousands of options of grocery, fruits, vegetables & daily needs products at a click and have them home delivered in 3 hours. All this is backed by the Trust & Value that the TATA Group stands for.


Industry: E-commerce

Region: India

Category: Product Experience

Solutions used: Netcore’s no-code Product Experience platform


StarQuik’s mobile app faced lower coupon redemption and conversions. Due to unclear offer details and incorrect audience targeting, the brand didn’t see users converting to the offers.


Netcore Cloud’s Strategy:

  • Netcore analyzed customer behavior and used that information to identify the right moment for the “nudge.”
  • Reduced engineering efforts and delivered winning user experiences with absolute ease.
  • Netcore helped StarQuik implement tooltips at high-intent moments during the user’s journey within the app.
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