Mastering app user retention: A playbook for B2C mobile apps
Playbook on mastering app user retention

Mastering app user retention: A playbook for B2C mobile apps

Why do you need this ebook?

Why do you need this ebook? 

With the increasing number of B2C mobile apps, all it takes is a click for app users to switch to other apps, the moment they stop finding value in your app. For your app to truly grow and build a solid foundation of loyal paying customers, retention should be on your radar. 

There’s a lot that goes behind driving a sound retention strategy. From understanding critical actions users need to take on the app that gets them closer to the aha moment, the frequency of app usage to tracking the right metrics to measure retention success to actually devising winning strategies that help retain users for a longer time – this ebook has it all! 

At the end of this ebook, you will walk away with key insights into:

  1. How app users interact with your product – understand the critical app events and app usage pattern
  2. Different stages of app user retention
  3. Metrics to measure retention success
  4. Top strategies to drive app user retention with examples of leading brands including Google, Zoom, Netflix that implement some of these strategies
  5.  When you should start thinking about retention?
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