Inbox Commerce: The new way to increase customer convenience and brand profitability – Part 2
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Inbox Commerce: The new way to increase customer convenience and brand profitability – Part 2

Published : September 27, 2023

Rising costs of acquiring new customers and underwhelming returns on advertising budgets mean that marketers are spending more money for dismal results. What were once the flagship instruments of marketing are now going the way of the redundant. As a result, customer convenience and brand profitability are taking a big hit.

Digital ads, notifications, and email campaigns have overwhelmed users to the point that they have lost attention. People routinely ignore marketing messages, no matter the medium. Yes, email marketing still does provide healthy returns, but its full potential largely remains untapped.

But technology never stops evolving, and we already have the innovations that will determine the future of marketing. Brands like Myntra have already leveraged Inbox Commerce to achieve outstanding results and win performance awards.

In Part 1 of this article, we spoke about the definition of Inbox Commerce and its primary operational elements. Part 2 goes deeper into what Inbox Commerce actually does differently to push brand profits higher than the industry best.

Why Inbox Commerce stands out

Fundamentally, Inbox Commerce brings commerce right into the user’s inbox, be it an email or messaging app. Take AMP emails as a classic example. They bring rich content, compelling visual elements, a diverse range of personalized templates, embedded search bars, cart completion, dynamic recommendations, interactive games, comprehensive data forms, and much more. Imagine all that and more, available to the user, within the inbox.

Inbox Commerce eliminates all redirects to third-party pages and eliminates lead leakage – the loss of potential conversions when users drop out during redirects. Additionally, the novelty of playing games and searching for products in catalogs within the inbox automatically intrigues people to engage with them.

It is much easier for people to complete transactions when they don’t have to navigate away from the inbox to a web page or an app. This level of convenience naturally leads to high conversions. It’s the same logic behind the success of Google’s wellness programs that promote healthy eating among employees. When you make it easy for people to make good choices and decisions, they invariably do it.

That’s what Inbox Commerce does. It makes engagement easy and conversion a breeze.

How brands can leverage AMP emails for Inbox Commerce

A point to note before you continue reading: the following examples are only the most prominent uses of AMP emails. Netcore’s clients have gone above and beyond these. They have used AMP emails in the most creative ways to manage Inbox Commerce to drive unparalleled customer engagement and higher brand profits.

Entertain users

People are tired of being sold to all the time. Brands can use AMP emails to send quick, fun games and interactive quizzes for a few minutes of light distraction. Games like Spin-the-wheel, Choose-a-door, Reveal-the-prize, etc., with a small reward at the end, make people feel good about engaging with your email.  As an extended benefit, they are more likely to pay attention and open your future emails.

Recover abandoned carts

Emails no longer just remind shoppers to ‘visit the website and complete your purchase’. They put the cart right within the email so users can conveniently click ‘Buy Now’ without leaving their inbox. No redirects. They can even complete the payment from the email.

Showcase new products

Users can scroll through extensive product listings complete with images and descriptions. AMP emails even let you display multiple images in a carousel format. You can also use GIFs to display the product in a livelier fashion.

AI-powered search and recommendations within AMP emails can also drive more specific, individual preference-driven results, which result in higher conversions.

Help with making buying decisions

AMP emails can display countdown timers to create a sense of urgency. They can also dynamically showcase ratings and reviews from previous buyers of the product or service that a user is considering.

Provide prompt support

AMP emails can include chatbots to answer frequently asked questions. They can also provide dynamic search functions so the user can immediately find a resolution to their particular issue.

Showcase live information

AMP emails can contain information that dynamically updates itself whenever the email is opened. For example, a financial house can send an email with buy/sell prices – the numbers would be dynamic and change to reflect current market conditions.  The same feature also creates countdowns to a sale day, product launch, end-of-offer period, etc. You could also display the real-time delivery status as a package travels from seller to buyer.

The impact on customer relations

Modern brands spend far too much on acquiring new customers instead of working to delight and serve their existing customers. This works against them every time because the high costs of acquiring new customers don’t bring sufficient returns to justify this expenditure.

 A large section of these new customers are only half-interested in the brand. Even though they sign up, every monitoring exercise has shown that they usually visit the brand’s digital assets (websites/apps) a few times before becoming inactive. They might make one or two purchases and are unlikely to become regular buyers or brand loyalists. On the other hand, existing customers have already proved their preference for the brand.

In trying to pursue the ‘cool kids’ – the new customers, brands lose out on the ‘good kids’ – the customers that already trust the brand. And it is neither fair nor profitable.

Inbox Commerce sets this right.

By giving existing customers a hassle-free shopping experience (and more value-adds), Inbox Commerce truly appreciates the customers. It makes the transaction pipeline free of redirects, friction, and lead leakage, resulting in higher engagement and conversions.

Inbox Commerce also leads to increased brand loyalty and credibility among customers, many of whom go on to advocate the brand actively.

In other words, you get happier customers, lower bounce rates, and more purchases, while customers get more rewards and a more fulfilling experience. It’s a true win-win for Inbox Commerce and its customers.

Inbox Commerce is your golden pass to eternal profitability

Inbox Commerce doesn’t just give you great financial returns. It also deepens and strengthens customer relations and helps you stand out in a marketing world saturated with sell-first digital messaging.

While it took some time since its introduction in 2019, measures like AMP emails are gaining significant traction across industries. Moreover, Asian businesses have already witnessed remarkable performance improvements by utilizing them.

If you would like to see real-life proof, have a look at what Netcore customers have achieved through the power of Inbox Commerce.

Ready to accelerate your brand profits and maintain them at the highest possible levels in your industry? Contact us, and let’s talk specifics about revolutionizing your marketing game with Inbox Commerce.

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