
How Netcore helped YourStory adopt AMP interactivity to turn around its email marketing and increase conversions by a whopping 5.5X

Lift in conversions from the events
Contribution to overall conversions

yourstory logo



YourStory is the definitive platform for content, connections and communication that powers brand and business objectives. A new-age, digital-first platform that can power both your brand and business objectives. They are a premier content & connections platform that can power both your brand and business objectives.

Media and Publications


Interactive Emails powered by AMP

Solution used:
Netcore’s Email 2.0



YourStory’s existing email marketing strategy needed enhancement in terms of better participation and conversions in its events.

The primary challenges were

  • Maximize registrations via emails
  • Create a seamless user experience
  • Increase customer leads via events


Powering Email with AMP

Netcore’s Customer Success Team collaborated closely with YourStory’s marketing team to transform their event campaigns with AMP emails.

The outcome was:

  • Simplified Registration Process: Users can share their information within the creative, on-the-fly!
  • Reduced Drop-offs: Without the need to redirect the user to a third-party platform, the drop-offs will reduce tremendously
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