Bobobox boosts conversion rates by 50% using Netcore Cloud’s customer engagement suite

Bobobox boosts conversion rates by 50% using Netcore Cloud’s customer engagement suite

Key Results
Conversion uplift using targeted APNs
Higher click-through rates
Increase in in-app engagement

Company: Bobobox

Customer Website

Industry: Hospitality

Location: Indonesia

Category: Customer Engagement

Solutions used: Netcore Cloud’s customer engagement suite


  1. Registration & Login: Complete the registration and login process.
  2. Re-Activation: Re-engage dormant and churned users through various channels.
  3. Revenue Growth: Increase the rate of returning users and boost Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).


Netcore Cloud’s strategy:

Nudges: Use walkthroughs to guide users in completing their profiles and processes.

App Push Notifications: Reactivate dormant users and bring them back to the app to boost conversions.

In-App Campaigns: Highlight special promotions and important reminders for holiday cabins and vacations.

Emails: Engage with users outside the app to increase brand awareness and conversions.

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