Switching ESPs? 5 Myths You Should Never EVER Believe
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Switching ESPs? 5 Myths You Should Never EVER Believe

Published : October 9, 2019

Email marketing has been around for decades now and we all know that it is one of the most effective digital marketing channels that can give your business an ROI of up to 4,300%. But to get similar returns from this channel your emails need to land in the inbox of your recipients’. And if you have been using this channel from a long time you must be aware that your email service provider (ESP) plays a major role in your email deliverability. That’s why over the years, many businesses have invested their time and resources in finding and picking the right email service provider for their business.

However, sometimes mistakes happen and you need to switch your email service provider and that’s where businesses get confused – as there are so many myths about switching ESPs, preventing businesses from switching. In this article, we bring out five such myths that are simply not true and seriously need to die.

MYTH #1: Switching ESP is Time Consuming

Well, it’s not true. Sure, if you are switching email service provider you have to invest some time in the process. Because implementing or switching to a new technology takes some time. And switching ESP is no exception. You have to export a lot of data like email addresses, user profiles, unsubscribed list, hard bounced addresses and spam addresses to your new ESP.

In addition, while uploading an email list to your new email service provider you should clean your list too. Especially if you haven’t scrubbed your email list in a while. Why? Because this will help you in identifying unreachable contacts and you should remove them from your email list otherwise they will hurt your email deliverability rates with your new ESP.

However, if you plan a little bit well in advance before moving to a new ESP you will realize this process is not as time-consuming as you thought it is. Plus, your migration will go much more smoothly.

Thinking of switching ESP can sometimes make the business’s dizzy. To anchor yourself, you must schedule a time to plan things down.

MYTH #2: Switching ESP is costly

No, it is not. Switching from one email service provider to another involves some cost, but this small switching cost can help you in getting much more ROI from your email campaigns.


We all know that email marketing is one of the most effective marketing channels available to businesses with an ROI of 4400%. Literally, for every $1 you spend, you can expect a return on your investment of $44. But to get this brag-worthy ROI from email marketing your messages need to land in your subscribers’ inbox.

And a good ESP can help you in that by solving your deliverability problems. Like with Pepipost you can get an email delivery rate as high as 99% and an inbox placement rate of 93%.

Switching to a new email service provider can be costly. But I promise you that continuing with the one that is not working well for your business can prove more expensive in the long run.

Myth #3: Switching ESP is complex

It isn’t as complex as you follow these simple rules:

  • Plan in advance as switching involves transferring a lot of data – rushing the migration can create problems later as you can accidentally leave some data behind.
  • Properly document your KPIs before migration so that you can compare them later.
  • Pick an ESP that acts as a partner and help you in switching.
  • Select an email service provider that offers 24/7 customer support.

Businesses’ really need to get over their fear that switching ESP is tough. If you don’t want to its fine. But I guarantee you’re going to repent your decision down the line.

Myth #4: Switching ESP can Hurt your Email Deliverability Rates

Well, this isn’t a myth as you will be sending from new IP addresses, so switching email service providers can affect your deliverability rates. Though you will carry your domain reputation with you. But that doesn’t mean you should stay stuck with your old email service provider even though it isn’t working well for your business as you can easily take care of this issue.

If you are wondering how?

The answer is very simple: If you don’t want your deliverability rates to plummet when switching your ESP – use your best data to start sending emails through the new email service provider.

Switch to Pepipost – Asia’s Largest Email Delivery Service.

 Don’t shy away from switching – it won’t hurt your deliverability rates as long as you don’t fly blind.

Myth #5: Switching ESP Means Downtime

This is the biggest misconception among businesses that prevent them from switching. As they think if they switch their ESP they won’t be able to send emails for some time. But, this is far from the truth.

Yes, you won’t be able to send at full volume from your new ESP for the duration of the IP warming period. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop sending emails. You can keep on sending from your existing platform for that duration.

Switching ESP doesn’t have to involve downtime and your transition can go much more smoothly as long as you map out your IP warming strategy with your new email service provider in advance.

At Pepipost, we will ensure that the transition from your existing email service provider goes smoothly by working with you. And will leave no scope for error. We know transition is stressful but when you will Pepipost you don’t have to take that stress – as we will take that stress for you!

Switch your Email Service Provider to Pepipost and Experience Absolutely No downtime.

Wrapping Up

Choosing the right email service provider for your business is crucial. And switching ESPs is much easier and more beneficial than staying stuck with the one that is not right for your business. But, if you don’t want to make the mistake and get burned out in the process steer clear away from the above-mentioned myths.

Are you contemplating switching email service providers? If, yes – what are the primary concerns that are stopping you from moving away from your current email service provider? Leave a comment and tell us your concerns.

Other Related Links

Check if emails from your domain are landing in Spam – Email Blacklist Tool

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