Darwinise the Dinosaurs
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Darwinise the Dinosaurs

Published : October 12, 2017

Change is the only constant, we say. A bit cliché, but when it comes to Netcore, it’s really true!

I’ve been working with Netcore since two years and it seems like I have completely changed. If you want to experience change in a true sense –  change for the better, then Netcore is the place.

Right from changing the brand identity to tag lines to logo to product offerings, to the way we sell, to the way we code, to the way we engage customers, to the physical work place and much more – Netcore has been a harbinger of change.

You must have heard that any change divides the employees into 3 groups –  the first set comprises of those who are “open and willing” to accept change, the second is of the ones who are “uncertain” and may be sitting on the fence, and the third group is also my personal favourite: “the Dinosaurs”!

Fortunately for Netcore, we have the soul of a start-up, and the millennial working here or should I say, the millennial who enjoy working here, are constantly embracing change, belong to the first group.

Their faith in management and HR is complete and they have become willing advocates of change to bring around and knock the fences down for the second group.

As HR, the tougher task is to Darwinise the Dinosaurs!

While change is essential, every employee goes through a transforming journey. It starts with Denial, Resistance, Acceptance, Exploration, Commitment and finally Growth! If you have to change the behaviour of people, you have to connect with them on 3 levels – Head, Heart and Feet.

Head – is the why, the logical, rational reason behind why a particular change is required. The few who see it easily are the ones who are logical, have faith, and are aligned with the organizational goals and see the bigger picture.

Heart – is the emotional side of people, where they are set in their ways, too connected to older ways, means and mannerisms. If you understand what fears they have about change and how ringing in the new could add more value, to them, the organisation as a whole, you can help them accept the change psychologically.

Feet – is when the behaviour change comes about. The skill they need to adopt the change. It is crucial to hand hold them at this juncture for the change to be successful.

So let me share some useful tips from my experience:

Tip 1 – Leaders must lead by example… Walk the Talk!

Tip 2 – Employees must be involved in the project… Make it likeable!

Tip 3 – Ideas must be communicated… Explain WHY is the change happening!

Tip 5 – People must be helped in improving the skills they need to be successful in the New world.

Tip 6 – The star employees must be recognised and celerated… Reward the best efforts!

Now, before I sign off, let me leave you with a thought – It is important to note that it is not the organisations that change but the organisations who manage the change, that will have more successful projects and better financial performance.

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Written By: Netcore Cloud
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Admin @ NetcoreCloud