Email 2.0: innovations for extraordinary customer experiences and exceptional business outcomes
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Jasmine Handa
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Email 2.0: innovations for extraordinary customer experiences and exceptional business outcomes

Published : July 23, 2022

What is Email 2.0?

Email 2.0 shifts the inbox response from delete to delight, creates a habit revolution that improves customer lifetime value and increases your ROI. It comprises five exciting innovations that drive customer engagement – Hooked Score, AMP, Ems, Atomic Rewards, and Progency. These elements combine with smart execution and better measurement of outcomes to create profitable growth.

What are the innovations in Email 2.0?

Hooked Score

It measures engagement intensity by going beyond opens, clicks, and CTRs, and creates a 30-day exponential moving average of email actions. Hooked Score offers insights to design messaging strategies based on the levels of engagement.


AMP in email improves interactivity and engagement, with no click-throughs and no landing pages needed. It also brings dynamic/live content and gamification to the inbox. AMP in email is the most efficient form of communication to collect zero-party data.


Ems is a combination of micro-content and stories in the form of short, informative emails that fit on a single mobile screen. It creates a daily habit through content that customers can entirely consume in 15-30 seconds.

Atomic Rewards 

Atomic Rewards are innovative micro-incentives that enable marketers to nudge and direct customer behavior. They are based on the groundbreaking concept of rewarding customer attention, upstream of transactions.


Aligned to key business metrics, Progency represents a paradigm shift in the landscape of professional services, serving as a trusted partner focused on achieving specific business outcomes on a performance basis.

What makes Email 2.0 better?

Email 2.0 transforms the way customers engage with and respond to emails.  It rewards customers for attention, creates a habit of interacting, and goes beyond the conventional metrics of opens in clicks.

Email 1.0

Email 2.0

Occasional, Any TimeDaily, Same Time
Opens and ClicksStickiness and Streaks
Not InteractiveInteractive
Not IncentivizedGamified

Email 2.0 makes the sent seen and the seen actioned; it is the future of profitable engagement with your customers.

How has the response been to Email 2.0?

Here are some of the amazing early results for Email 2.0 with Netcore Cloud as Progency:

BigBasket (online grocery; 50 million shoppers)

  • 3X increase in CTR
  • Atomic Rewards: Incentivized (Gamified) Emails

YourStory (media; 1.5 million monthly visitors)

  • 5X increase in registrations
  • AMP: Interactive Emails

Myntra (Walmart-owned, India’s largest fashion brand)

  • 140% increase in CTOR and 50% uplift in NPS Collection
  • AMP: Interactive Emails

Kotak Bank (India’s 5th largest bank; 30 million customers)

  • 88% increase in Active Users
  • Ems: Informative (Story) Emails

Email 2.0 is many things: it is the solution to attention recession, the best way to collect first and zero-party data, a hotline to customers, a channel for higher conversions, and more. 

Connect with us to learn more about how Email 2.0 can drive campaigns that are a win-win for your brand and your customers. Try Netcore Cloud’s 90-day Email 2.0 program to drive engagement and reactivation.

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Written By: Jasmine Handa