3 Sure-Shot Ways To Reach Your Marketing Goals!
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3 Sure-Shot Ways To Reach Your Marketing Goals!

Published : July 18, 2017

Today’s customer is spoilt for choices. Hence, Survival of the Fittest theory is all the more applicable to the new age marketers. Maintaining a good relationship with your customers is an extremely challenging. A customer can switch loyalties without batting an eyelid.
Hence, today’s marketers fiddle with many strategies and tactics to woo their ever evaporating customer base. So, here are 3 practical ways, the mantras that can help you reach your goals.

1. Know your Customer
Does it need any mention that marketing is no more a one-to-many process? It’s rather a very neatly crafted and precisely driven one-to-one approach. Even before you can talk to your customers one-to-one, you will need to know them right. And knowing your customer closely is not easy at all. Today’s customer is far beyond the normal marketing personas that we all might have studied about in the management books. Personas, in reality, may be very different from those identified theoretically.
A Unified View of the Customer provides a wholesome picture of the customers as individuals. Categorise the customers accurately through well-thought segmentation. Understand your customers really well – by knowing exactly who they are by understanding their browsing, purchase and action behaviours.

2. Build a Lasting Relationship
Once you know your customers well, you can start working towards building a relationship. One-to-one relationship with the customers is the need of the hour. When you know their preferences, which day of the week and what time of the day they do what type of activities, you can reach out to them accordingly. Connect with them as per their response behaviour and not bombard them with unnecessary promotional messages. This way earning their respectful mindshare. You must also engage with them through multiple communication channels, diligently track their activities, and always send relevant, personalised content. Connect with them at a deeper level!

3. Maximise Customer’s Lifetime Value
When you know your customers well, you are able to establish a relationship that is going to last -then you don’t just win their loyalty, but you also win yourselves the opportunities to increase their lifetime values. Engage them onsite as well as offsite. Send them the most relevant information that they find useful. Stay with them to offer your service or products the moment they need them, and in turn increase their lifetime value.

Marketers are becoming Marketing Technologists. It’s time to leverage technology and take your businesses to great heights!

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Written By: Netcore Cloud
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Admin @ NetcoreCloud