
Magzter Optimizes Email Marketing Program & increases users engagement by a whopping 65%

Key results
65% Increase
Increased engagement
2.7x Increase
Reachability scale
Magzter is a cross-platform, self-service, global digital magazine newsstand with over 8,000 magazines from 3,400+ publishers. Girish Ramdas and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan founded Magzter in 2011. The Company is headquartered in New York.
Online publishing
United states
Email Marketing
Solution Used:
Netcore Email


  • Magzter has a huge subscriber base and has subscribers from all over the globe.
  • While trying to target the complete base, it used to generate spam complaints leading to an impact on the domain, performance, and scale.
  • As a result, the regular campaigns were restricted only to the active customer base leading to a huge potential base being missed out.

Netcore’s Strategy

With our expertise in Artificial Intelligence, we devised methods to:

  • Analyze the complete customer base
  • Split the complete data with a predictive model using the past channel behavior
  • And create multiple buckets of users segments by scoring them on the probability of their likelihood of engagement
  • We then devised tailored offers & campaigns for these segments.
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